Housing application Housing application Vaihe 1 / 2 50% Apartment criteriaPreferred locations* Pyhäjoki – Pappilantie 3, 86100 Pyhäjoki Kempele – Kirkkotie 3 B, 90440 Kempele Kempele – Kirkkotie 3 C, 90440 Kempele Kempele – Ollakantie 3 B, 90440 Kempele Hiironen – Hukkasenkuja 3, 90250 Oulu Kaakkuri – Tepontie 13, 90420 Oulu Sodankylä – Aisakellontie 4-6, 99600 Sodankylä Kiulukangas – Saunamajurintie 12, 90630 Oulu Linnanmaa – Kauppalinnankatu 1, 90570 Oulu Meri-Toppila – Sellukatu 10, 90520 Oulu Apartment type* studio apartment (no separate bedroom) two room apartment (1 bedroom) three room apartment (2 bedrooms) room in a shared apartment (only in Sellukatu 10) Apartment size – m2 – m2Maximum rent*Please state the maximum rent you wish to pay.Other wishes? (for example balcony, sauna, certain floor..)Applicant’s personal informationLast name*First names*This field is hidden when viewing the formEI KÄYTÖSSÄ ENG – puhuttelunimiSocial security number OR date of birth*Home town (and country if not Finland)*Since* PP dot KK dot VVVV Current address*Postal code and city (and country if not Finland)*Phone number*E-mail address* Nationality*Preferred language*Occupation or title*Employer*Since / starting* PP dot KK dot VVVV Marital status single living together / domestic partnership engaged married living separately divorced widowed Co-applicant’s personal informationLast name*If you do not have a co-applicant please fill out the mandatory fields with ”0”.First names*Social security number OR date of birth*Home town (and country if not Finland)Since PP dot KK dot VVVV Current addressPostal code and city (and country if not Finland)Phone number*E-mail address Nationality*Preferred language*Occupation or titleEmployerSince / starting PP dot KK dot VVVV Possilble additional people moving with youPlease inform additional people moving with you (for example under-aged children)The need for the apartment starting from* PP dot KK dot VVVV Need for the aparment*Independence (first own apartment)Moving in togetherMoving after an employmentBrake up / divorceCurrent apartment is not to my likingCurrent rent is too highCurrent lease agreement is terminatedHomelessOther reason, what?Since / starting PP dot KK dot VVVV Need for the apartment*Please tell more about the reasons you are applying for an apartment. Income and assets – ApplicantCurrent monthly income (before taxes etc, in Euros)*Yearly investment income (Euros)*Other monthly income (e.g. Kela allowances or benefits)Total income (all the above combined)Assets (possible assets' stated value in Euros)*Loans and debts (possible loans' and debts' amount in Euros)*This field is hidden when viewing the formEI KÄYTÖSSÄ ENG – Huomioon otettava varallisuus yhteensäIncome and assets – Co-applicantCurrent monthly income (before taxes etc, in Euros)*Yearly investment income (Euros)*Other monthly income (e.g. Kela allowances or benefits)Total income (all the above combined)Assets (possible assets' stated value in Euros)*Loans and debts (possible loans' and debts' amount in Euros)*This field is hidden when viewing the formEI KÄYTÖSSÄ ENG – Huomioon otettava varallisuus yhteensäCurrent apartment's information*Please tell us about your current apartment; rental or own, square size, rooms, rent, number of tenants, condition etc..Appendixes for the housing application Pudota tiedostot tähän tai Valitse tiedostot Max. tiedoston koko: 64 MB. Signature* (I assure that all the information above I have given is true) I am aware that the lessor will use my personal data and check my credit data before making the decision concerning renting an apartment.